Hi everyone! Here's my card for this weeks Mojo Monday sketch. I almost titled this the "two hour tour" (for those of you who grew up watching Gilligan's Island...giggle, missing an hour but it felt like three!) because this card took me two hours to make! I should have just given up!
It went something like this (pretend you're reading my mind):
*I like this flower stamp, lets color it with Copic's. Didn't like the look of it, shading is terrible in these pinks. Threw that flower in the recycle bin.
*Let's see, how about stamping the flower in white on red cardstock? That turned out a bit dull. How about embossing it with white embossing powder. Ok, that looks good. Where's all my red designer paper? (That started a search and destroy mission through all the paper - nothing was working with that shade of red cardstock.) UGH!
*Wow, I like this blue paper. I know, let me re-stamp the flower in blue. Shoot (or insert your favorite expletive) the blue ink doesn't go with the blue designer paper! Again another expletive!
*What about that other designer paper? Yes, now we're getting somewhere! But it doesn't really go with the flower now. Hmmm, the paper has hearts in it! I know just the stamp I want to use! Where is that stamp set? Darn it, where is that set? Oh, what's this? I like this one even better!
*Oh, and I know just the embellishments to go along with this blue now! Cool! Yes, finally done!
Whew that only took two hours. How do I know? I came up stairs to the craft room at 8 and had to be back downstairs at 10 to watch the new episode of Castle! =)
So, here is the final result!

Heart stamp is a retired GWP stamp from The Angel Company. Stamped in Midnight ink from Colorbox and embossed with clear embossing powder.
Designer paper is from Hot Off The Press. Navy cardstock from DCWV. The lacy doily like layer behind the heart was done with self adhesive Vellum (left the adhesive on) that was ran through the Textile embossing folder after being cut out with a scalloped circle.
White grosgrain ribbon is layered on using foam tape and a blue button from American Crafts is attached with some white scrappers floss. The blue pearls are from Kaisercraft.
So, have you ever had one of these experiences making a card or project? I have them all the time! Sometimes what you have pictured in your head just doesn't make it onto the final project for whatever reason! However, during this two hour adventure I had a lot of fun (and frustrations for being such a perfectionist) and now have a few flowers pre-stamped for use on another card!
Have a creative day!