Ok, as promised - here are some pictures from our road trip. We headed up North on hiway 101 towards the Olympic peninsula. Our mission was to check out the camp ground at the Hoh Rain Forest for our week long camping vacation. We did make a few stops along the way, first up was Lake Quinault. Image a lake with a big rustic lodge, with plenty of grounds to explore, relax or partake in water sports! These first four pictures are from last year.

I had to stop and take a few pictures of the waterfall and river along the way. We stopped beside the waterfall, had lunch and then I convinced my husband, Bob, to go back up the road and over the bridge, and take the other road (which is along the other side of the river) back to hiway 101. Well, it was worth the moaning and groaning I heard about doing that because this is what we came across.

Yep, that's a black bear in that there meadow! As you can see above, Bob had to get a closer look and take some close up pictures. You can see him in the lower left hand corner of the photo. I took this picture from about 200 meters away - I would've been where he is if I wouldn't have had on stupid flip flops. I think the noice would've alerted the bear! So, I took them off and walked back and forth down the road waiting for a good shot! Guess what I'm asking for for my B-day? Yep, a good zoom lense so that I can catch these close up shots, and safely! =) We were so pumped up after witnessing this! It was awesome to be able to see and watch a bear in the wild. The Hoh rain forest paled compared to this! and you can bet that the for the rest of the trip, I rubbed it in that he should listen to me more often! LOL!!!
We ended up staying in Port Angeles for the night - we literally got the last hotel room in town! They had a Juan De Fuca street fair and a Halibut fishing derby going on. The straight of Juan De Fuca seperates Vancouver B.C. and Washington state. So, we got up early on Sunday and drove in to the Elwah Valley of the Olympic Peninsula - beautiful lake (damed up), river and mountains! The fishing is suppose to be hot on the Elwah river and Bob wanted to check it out.
Then we headed up to Hurricane Ridge and we're blown away with the clear blue sky and the view.

Check that elevation out - no wonder there's so much snow left! It was really warm, though.

Again, we literally stopped for some wildlife, twice!

Once going up the mountain pass and then coming back down! It was the same doe - in the same spot. I think that area was her turf and she was looking for handouts!

I took both of these shots from inside the jeep!
So, that's our two day trek around the Olympic Peninsula - 375+ miles, beautiful sunny warm days, pictures and stories to tell! Thanks for letting me share our adventure with you!
OMG These pix are so beautiful and to see a black bear in the wild, you have a great life. Thanks for sharing with us all.
Thanks for sharing! Wow such great memories for you (and us ). I think your Husky is gorgeous! We have a red one. My kids love seeing all the pictures in your blog too.
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