Designer paper is from K&Company. I was really disappointed in how dark this picture turned out! I bought a new OTT light bulb about a month ago and it burned out last night. I surely did not get my return on investment for that darn bulb! If I had the receipt, I would be heading back to Joann's to return it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Total cuteness, Laurie! I love the snowman, and your card rocks! Sorry about your Ott light! I've been looking at them, and am not so sure I want one now! Hugs!
Adorable snowman!!
I've had my Ott light (same bulb) for over a year now....I think you must have gotten a bum bulb!
Very cute snowman card!
Oh my goodness, this is so cute!!
Too cute!
Otto light bulbs are too pricey to burn out that quickly. I think I would still try to take it back.
Sweet card, love the snowballs on his hat.
So cute - love all the glitz on the snowballs. When I take a picture of my "creations" I borrow my DHs Ott light as he ties his own fishing fly, I never put it back in the exact right spot!!! Guess I am going to have to get my own.
This snowman is darling!!! Beautiful card Laurie. What is an OTT light bulb? ~jeni :)
cute cute card .. love the layout!
Just so cute! I also like the design!
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