Here's a little something I made with some mod podge and a strip or two of TAC Pop Rockz paper.

I cut a piece of Pop Rockz paper tall and wide enough to fit through my computer printer and printed out on the back, the long triangle lines to cut out.

The strips are covered in mod podge and then rolled up on a tooth pick. I did a second coat of MP over the outside of the beads to protect it. The jewelry hard ware was purchased at Michael's fairly cheap, as well as the glass pink beads. As you can see I alternated the paper beads with the glass ones. This went together pretty quickly and it's a great way to add some color to your jewelry collection - especially with all the yummy designer papers we have!
Have a great week, everyone!

I really love the braclet you made with paper beads. Wanting to do this myself, you have enspired me to make some of these myself.
Fantastic! I'd love to give this a try; you make it sound easy!
Love this piece of jewelry!
I have this idea saved from seeing it somewhere else but hadn't tried it yet. I may do this soon, now, though since you have showed it with TAC papers and I see how awesome it looks! Thanks for sharing!
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