Monday, November 27, 2023

Winter snowflake mittens

Hi everyone. Playing in the sketch challenge over at The Paper Players today, the sketch is down below.

Do you ever have one of those days where everything is stacked against you when you think you have this fabulous idea for a card?  That was me on this one.  I was bound and determined to use this older mitten stamp and die set from Hero Arts. I was having a difficult time choosing the cardstock colors to match the designer paper from Gina K Designs. Should I go with a light or a dark-colored cardstock? I think I waffled on this three times before landing on the dark color.   I heat-embossed the stamp design using white detail embossing powder onto peacock cardstock from C&9th. 

I used an old snowflake embossing folder from Provo Craft for the background. 

Thanks for stopping by.


Ann Schach said...

Beautiful, Laurie! The darker cardstock looks amazing with this designer paper. I love the white embossing on the mittens and the snowflake embossed panel. Thank you so much for playing in my sketch challenge this week at The Paper Players!

LeAnne said...

LOL...that happens to me all the time! I love your final result, though! Lots of snowy, wintery images and those mittens are the cutest! Glad you persevered and made good use of our sketch this week at the Players!

Fran Wing said...

Well, Laurie, the choice of the dark paper for the mittens was perfect to contrast the lightness of the fallen snow in the background! Thank you for playing along with us this week at The Paper Players.
Xoxo, Fran

Ida said...

Oh yes I've had those kind of stamping days. - You persevered though and your card turned out great. I like the colors you used and the mittens were the perfect edition to the sketch.

Glittered Paws said...

I hate it when I just can't come up with the "idea that is in my head" and the actual creation. Love the mittens.