Friday, June 9, 2017


Hello. Playing in a few challenges today.  I used the sketch from TGIF challenges and made is masculine for the challenge over at Simon Says Stamp.

Stamps and dies are from Taylored expressions except for the word "Husband" which is from a Papertrey, Ink set.

Used some shiny silver cardstock from my stash on the tools. The nail heads on the ends of the sentiment panel are from Prima. I've had them in my stash forever, so it was good to use them on this.

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. GREAT sentiment and a fantastic design for our challenge! Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  2. What a fun card! I love the clever use of the background paper to hang the tools. I am happy you joined our sketch challenge at TGIF. Smiles, Elizabeth

  3. I love using tools in a masculine card - love your "pegboard" to use with your tools.

  4. Fabulous card Laurie! Love the pegboard and the shinny 'silver' tools. A fabulous take on this weeks sketch! Thanks for playing along and supporting us at TGIF Challenges. Rochelle xo


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