Sunday, June 11, 2017

Masculine birthday card - brassy gears

Hi all. Decided to play around a bit with this weeks Freshly Made Sketch. I mean, I really played around with the back ground on this one.

I took a piece of black cardstock and added layer after layer of metallic paint, alcohol inks, crackle paint, distress inks, etc. to create this. It turned out pretty cool in real life.  Lots of texture and a dull masculine shine (oxymoron used there).

Sentiment is heat embossed with gold embossing powder from Hero Arts.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a cool masculine card - sounds like a lot of work but I bet IRL you can see all the textures.

  2. What a great masculine card! Love the clock and gears! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  3. This background is such a wow (in a masculine way, haha!!). Love the great clock/gears! So glad to see you this week at FMS!

  4. What an incredible background! Love it with the clock parts. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  5. perfect "guy" card :) thank you for playing along with us at the simon says stamp Wednesday challenge!


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