Saturday, October 1, 2016

Celebrate with style

Hi everyone. Here is my take on the color challenge over at less is more. The colors would be turquoise and lilac.

Stamps are from Sugarpea Designs and the ink colors are from Hero Arts.

I sprayed this with some shimmer spray from Tsukineko. In real life it very sparkly.

I ended up cutting one of the dots off of the stamp that I used on top to stamp around the sentiment. Worked like a charm.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Such a festive card. Love how you used the color in your fun design. Thanks for sharing at Less is More!

  2. This looks fab, Laurie, so fun and modern, and beautifully CAS! The colours work so well with the dot stamps and the whole thing has such a lovely fresh feel to it. Thanks for sharing with us at Less is More :)

  3. A CAS spectacular Laurie and gorgeous use of the colour combo.
    Loving the bold sentiment too. Thanks for playing with us at Less is More this week. Sarah

  4. Such a fun way to combine the LIM colours of turquoise and lilac - fab make


  5. This card can be used to celebrate just about anything - glad your travels are finished and you can spend some time back home for a while. Great job on this card.

  6. Your card is simple and gorgeous! The colored dots are really cute!
    Thanks for joining us at the Kat Scrappiness challenge - Josefine :)

  7. What a pretty design Laurie, I love this layout!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  8. Hi Laurie, what a pretty CAS design! Thanks for playing along in our WCMD challenge! -AJ, DT KatScrappiness

  9. Just wow! This is realy nice. Have a nice day, Ankie

  10. Love the subtle and effective use of the theme colours. Awesome card!

  11. A lovely CAS make, I love the layout and how the dots cascade from the top. Great idea to use a single dot too.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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