Sunday, June 5, 2016

Purple Hyacinth

Hello everyone! After a week off I'm eager to get back to stamping and participating in some challenges. Here is my latest take on a few of them.

It is color week over at Less is more and the color is purple. The Hyacinth is colored with Copic's and highlighted with a white sharpie pen.

The background is done using watercolor paper and distress reinkers.

Spectrum glitter pen used on the dragonfly.

Hyacinth and dragonfly is from Technique Tuesday, sentiment is from Papertrey, Ink.

I used the sundaystamps sketch and will also be adding this into the CAS-ual Friday challenge of florals.

Thanks for stopping in for a look see! Have a great week.

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  1. Lovely colouring on the hyacinth - what a perfect flower for the LIM purple challenge! The offset layers looks great as well. Nice one!

  2. Very pretty - love the purple flowers.

  3. Such a pretty bloom and one of my favourites. You've coloured this perfectly and loving the offset design. Thanks for joining us and playing at Less is More this week. Sarah x

  4. What a gorgeous Hyacinth Laurie! Your coloring is beautiful. Most of my garden is filled with purple flowers.

  5. Lubię hiacynty, a Twoja kartka przywodzi na myśl początki wiosny. Bardzo mi się podoba.

  6. Super colouring here, and I love the dark layer of your offset panels, really lifts the whole design.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  7. Beautifully done Laurie, this is terrific colouring!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"


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