Friday, September 19, 2014


Hi everyone! It's been a busy week and we're heading out for one last camping trip this weekend. So, thought I better get busy and post a card for you to see.

This is kind of a weird layout but it ended up working
with the sentiment that I really wanted to use.

Poppy's are from Papertrey, Ink. I added some highlights with a Copic marker so that they stood out a bit. Using my perfect layers 1/16 edge I added a black and tangerine layer.

I used the mat stack #3 die from PTI to cut the white and the black layer for the sentiment. Stamped the sentiment (which is also from PTI) and then added the black and white gingham ribbon.

Its kind of hard to tell in the picture, but I added a white layer onto the card base and popped it up using foam tape before adding the other elements.

That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Oh wow, beautiful card! Love the gorgeous poppies!

  2. Beautiful card! Hope that you enjoy your camping trip! Hug...

  3. Beautiful card, I like that the layout is not typical, makes it more stunning!

  4. I really like the layout and the poppies are beautiful. Enjoy seeing pics of you/hubs/and dogs on your hiking camping trips.

  5. Bright and cheerful card. The will certainly bring some sunshine into someone's day. - Jim


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