Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mojo #346 - you're on my mind

Hi everyone! I found time yesterday to make a card with the recent Mojo Monday sketch.

I had already colored this fun image from Stamping Bella with Copic's and it has been sitting in my "to make" pile for a while. So I put her to use with this weeks sketch.

Sentiment is from Verve and I used the mini flowers from the Tag-its #5 set from PTI to create the flowers on the fishtail banners. Memento markers used to color the flower stamps.

Polka dot basic's used on the navy panel with white craft ink.

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping in.

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  1. What a sweet image! Your card turned out so cute, Laurie! Don't you love it when you have something already colored when you need it? Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. What a cute image - I have a pile of "to make" images - some colored some not. Love the sentiment and of course the coloring is amazing.

  3. Striking card, cute image and coloring, I like the color combo too!

  4. Really cute, love the touch of brightness with the fishtail banners!

  5. Well, I'm glad you put her to use! What a perfect little image for that sediment!! Just great, Laurie! Hugs, Darnell


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