Sunday, April 13, 2014

LIM - one layer card

Hi all - here is my take on week 167 less is more one layer card. It's all about shadow stamping this time around.

I've actually have two cards to show but this first one is sorta of my favorite.

Stamp is from Stampendous and it's stamped in Versamark and the heat embossed using clear embossing powder. I then daubered on some white pigment ink and then yellow chalk ink.

I'm not sure what to call the paper that I chose to stamp this on - variegated? I picked it up a while back ago at my LSS and it seemed to fit with this stamp and what I had in mind for the challenge. Sentiment is from Verve.

This one is done using the SU best blossoms leaf stamp. I used MFT ink in gumdrop green to shadow stamp the leaves and then on the sentiment as well. Sentiment is from PTI.

I used some chalk ink in yellow to highlight the leaves and don't know if I like it or not now.

Oh well, there you have it - two very different one layer shadow stamped cards.

Thanks for stopping in!

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  1. Both cards are so pretty, Laurie! Love the stamping on patterned paper on the first card, but both are equally lovely!

  2. great set of cards laurie

    Thanks for joining us this week
    Jen xx
    Less Is More

  3. Very pretty - love both of them and if I had to pick one I couldn't do it, love the embossing on the first and the shadow around the leaves on the second. Great job.

  4. Great cards... the shadows on the second card look super!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  5. Two super cards Laurie!
    Thank you for playing along this week
    Less is More


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