Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A different way

Hi everyone! I made this CAS thank you card a while ago and never got around to posting about it. It was a quick and fun card to make using a technique from Judith over at Stamps for Judith.

I used the dot stubby stamp from SBJ and stamped numerous dots in two different blue inks. You have to remember to twist the stubby a bit each time you stamp so that all the dots are not all globbed together.

The small leaves are from the small shadow hydrangea stamp set from the former TAC company. Sentiment from Verve.

The burlap is from DCWV - I just picked up their 6 x 6 paper pack and love it.

Banner dies are from My Favorite Things. Green and blue cardstock is from Bazzill.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping in!

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  1. Great card, Laurie! Love the addition of the burlap - what a fun look. I have some that I never think to use! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. So pretty, Laurie! I love burlap and flowers together. I also love SBJ and will have to try this technique!! Happy Easter/Spring!! Hugs, Darnell

  3. Love the burlap and have not heard of a "stubby" - but like the affect it created with your flower. Great job.

  4. Now I know another use for all of that burlap in my shed. LOL. It will never look as good as it does on this card Laurie. Fantastic card.

  5. Gorgeous card, pretty color combo and love the burlap (off to the basement to see if I have some!)


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