Friday, March 7, 2014

FMS #126 - Pink tulips

Hi everyone! Here's my take on this weeks Freshly Made Sketch #126. Spring is right around the corner in Seattle! It was partly sunny, blue skies and 60 degrees today! So I decided to make a spring birthday card.

Oh my goodness, I had to play around with this picture 5 different times to get the colors to come out right! I kept getting this bright ugly green color that was no where near what it is in real life. Finally got it! I decided to switch up where the designer paper went - instead of the pink polka dots being on top, I put it under. I know, I'm being a rebel but it looked so much better this way!
Stamps are from Papertrey, Ink. I use fresh ink in pink lemonade and limeade to stamp the stems and tulips. Pink polka dot designer paper is from A*Muse and the green cardstock is from Colorbok that I've had forever!

Here's hoping spring is on it's way where ever you are and thanks for stopping by today!

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  1. A fresh and clean birthday card. Love it.

  2. Very pretty - love the colors and the layout too.

  3. I love these colors together and this is a great sketch!

  4. Beautiful, spring-like card, Laurie! Those little flowers are too, too cute! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  5. You rebel, you! Those papers knew which way would look best and I'm glad you listened. This card is really pretty, springy, and happy!! Hugs, Darnell


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