Thursday, March 6, 2014

BDU - thanks

Hi everyone! Wow, what a week so far and thank goodness it's almost over! I wanted to share a card inspired by the military with you today.

I saw this image over at Saturated Canary and fell in love with her. She is colored with Copic's and I attempted to make her pants camouflage or close to it using rubbing alcohol and a blender pen. It came out pretty close.

The back ground is done using a piece of canvas and alcohol inks. I used willow and latte to get as close to the color of BDU's as possible. Now, you're probably wondering what BDU stands for, right? Well, when I first met my DH he was in the Army and he taught me that it is an acronym for Battle Dress Uniform.

This is to thank all the women of our armed forces who are serving our country!  You're awesome!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful creative day!

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Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!