Sunday, February 16, 2014

Masculine birthday

Hi everyone! Here's my take on the masculine challenge over at Less is More. I really liked the card made by Chrissie and was inspired by it to make this.

I was originally searching and destroying my stamp collection looking for a different stamp when I stumbled upon this Sunday International cattail stamp. I used Memento markers to color on the stamp and then huffed on it to get a decent image the first time (which NEVER happens for me).

I got out the air compressor and airbrushed a piece of vellum to make the "water" for the pond. To create the ripples I used the cloud border die from Paper Smooches and just turned it up side down.

Dragonfly is a Memory Box die. Sentiment is from Papertrey, Ink.

Off to do chores. Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. How pretty, great take on Chrissie's card
    Thanks for joining Less is More's masculine challenge this week
    Guest "Less is More"

  2. Air compressor? You're really into this paper crafting, aren't you. Your card is lovely.

  3. Beautiful card and I love the background and the dragonfly is perfect!

  4. Nice job air brushing the water. Like the card.

  5. Love the colors, such a great card!

  6. Beautiful card Laurie, I love the image :)

  7. I'm flattered that my card inspired this lovely one Laurie!
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  8. Hi Laurie
    Fabulous card.... Love the image ... and the colours
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  9. Beautiful - love the cattails and the water is awesome. Someone will enjoy getting this card.

  10. Love the treatment on this stamp. Just beautiful. Thanks for the tip on airbrushing vellum, never thought to try that. It's lovely on this stamp. TFS

  11. Oh...Laurie this is just perfect! Love the dragonfly you included! Beautiful!

  12. Oh...Laurie this is just perfect! Love the dragonfly you included! Beautiful!


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