Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Greetings everyone! I sat down to color over the weekend to relax a bit and this is what I ended up creating!

Copic markers used on this Saturated Canary digi image by Krista Smith. What fun this was to color! I printed this on X-press it paper and let it sit overnight for the ink to completely dry before coloring.

Sentiment is from Savvy stamps. Designer paper is from K&Company. 

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. Beautiful, Laurie! Your coloring of this darling image is perfect, and I love the direction of this sentiment - works so well with the tall image! Thanks for sharing - hugs...

  2. This turned out so pretty!! What a wonderful card!

  3. Wow Laurie! Beautiful card! Gorgeous image and fabulous coloring!

  4. Oh my pretty pretty - the coloring is amazing love the layout you used.


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