Saturday, November 9, 2013

One layer thanks

Hi everyone! I decided to test myself and play along with this weeks challenge over at Less is More. Which was to make a one layer thank you card. I very rarely ever make a one layer card, so here it is.

I used three different stamps on this baby! Polka dots are stamped in cherry red and both are from MFT. The double line stamp is from Papertrey, Ink. and the sentiment is from The Stamps of Life.

Take a guess how many times it took me to get this one semi-straight, even using a ruler and a pencil? Too many, that's how much!!!

But in the end, I like how it turned out! Thanks for stopping in!

Also entering this into the Simon Says Stamp - keep it clean and simple challenge.

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  1. I like how it turned out too Laurie, well worth all the perseverance.

  2. Wonderful card! Love all the red dots!!

  3. Cool use of stamps to take the place of layers!

  4. It's really simple but really effective. Well done!

  5. A great 1-layer card, Laurie! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  6. Love this! The red dots are great and well worth the work.

  7. I like how it turned out too...even if it did take several attempts. It looks awesome!
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  8. Oh, my goodness, Laurie, you set yourself a very difficult one-layer design for your first OLC!! I'm in awe!! You know my OLCs are really, really simple, nothing this advanced. It's totally a winner in my eyes!! I would have guessed that was polka dot paper you used, that's how perfect this is!! Hugs, Darnell


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