Friday, August 9, 2013

Happy Birthday to you - CTS #40

Hi everyone! I really think this weeks sketch by CAS(e) this sketch has a lot of possibilities and decided to give it a whirl.

I reached deep into my bottom drawer and pulled out my green perfect pearls to create this green bush. The stamp is from Inkadinkado and is inked up in versamark and then dusted with the perfect pearls - which you cannot see in the picture! Sentiment is also from the same company, just a different set.  Green gingham ribbon tied around the panel and the little bow was created using the bow easy!

Well, back to stamping - thanks for stopping in!

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  1. Absolutely beautiful - and love the sketch. Haven't used my perfect pearls in a LONG time.

  2. This is gorgeous, Laurie! I may need to case it :-). Beautifully done!


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