Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just think...

Hi Everyone! What a busy week it's been for me! I've been playing around with some things and wanted to showcase one of them for you.

I've made my own washi tape!

I went to the dollar store and found some paper tape in the health and beauty isle. It's actually medical tape, but a thin paper like substance. I put a piece on my craft mat and stamped the houndstooth background stamp from Papertrey ink onto it. The ink I used was one of those $1 studio G chalk inks, I just let it dry really good before using. I found a green cardstock from Bazzill in my stash that went well with the ink used and applied the tape to the left hand side.

The main panel was done using peeled paint distress ink. I swiped it several times onto the craft mat and then spritzed with water. I let the white cardstock soak up some of the ink and then dried it with heat tool. Love the way it came out!

I stamped the leaf (PTI) in spiced marmalade distress ink and then came back and stamped it again using Palette Jardin Moss. Sentiment is from Studio G dollar stamps and is inked up in archival ink.

So, what do you think?

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Great idea! Beautiful card!!! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. Oh wow, what a terrific idea. You're so clever and your cards are always inspirational!

  3. Aren't you the clever one!?!!

    Beautiful card, Laurie!


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