Sunday, June 12, 2011

Queen Anne's lace

Hi everyone! I'm off on a camping trip and have scheduled this to post in my absence. Here's a card I did for a challenge to scrunch, fold, wrinkle etc. your ribbon.

The ribbon is actually seam binding that I colored with E50 Egg shell and then scrunched it up after it dried a bit.

Stamp is from Tim Holtz Stampers Anonymous line and stamped in Vintage Cream ink from Palette. Cut with the oval nesties and then layered with an ivory scalloped oval. The kraft cardstock on the left is embossed with the linen embossing plate from PTI. Designer paper is from Daisy D's that I've had in my stash for a while. I have got to start using more designer paper - it's coming out of my @**, er I mean ears! Sorry for the profanity! But it's true - I have got so much of it and I really don't use it! What is wrong with me? Am I a hoarder?

Ok, enough of my rant! Thanks for stopping in and I'll be posting camping pictures later!


  1. This is GORGEOUS! Love that vintage cream ink too!

  2. Beautiful Laurie, love this cards simplicity and elegance.

  3. Very pretty and elegant Laurie! Enjoy your camping trip and have fun.


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