Friday, June 10, 2011

Birthday card for the boss

Or I should say, the bosses boss!

His birthday was this past Wednesday and we had our semi-annual business review meeting. So, of course we brought in a cake and helped him celebrate.

He's a huge fly fisherman and here is the clean and simple card I came up with for him.

Designer paper is from my stash and I have no clue who makes it. I've had it for at least 8 years! The fly is a stamp from a set called Gone Fishin' from See D's that went out of business a while back. I stamped it with Archival ink onto the cork and let it dry before giving it a bit of color with Copic markers.

Kraft cardstock is used as the base of the card and Black used to layer everything.

So, do you think an Executive VP that lives to fish will like this?

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. I think they will like it. Very masculine.

  2. Fabulous Laurie. Love the idea of stamping on cork.

  3. I can't imagine anyone NOT liking this!

  4. I've never seen anything stamped on cork before - I love it!

  5. That is really neat on the cork! Great card!

  6. Hi Laurie,

    Great card for a fisherman! I'm sure he loved it.


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