Sunday, February 13, 2011


Here's the Valentines Day card that I'm going to be giving to my DH. He'll love the humor!

Even though it's sort of a girlie card, he'll laugh! Digital image is from Bugaboo Digital Stamps. I colored her with Copic's and a stardust pen was used to highlight her wings!

Designer paper is from Hot Off The Press and I added some self adhesive pearls for interest.

Long rectangles cut out with nestabilities.

Have a Happy Valentines Day and enjoy the Chocolate.


  1. It is a card that makes you giggle! Fun!

  2. Well I laughed, does that count? Your card's adorable, the image and sentiment are too much fun! My DH is a good sport too - loves funny cards!

  3. She just cracks me up! Fun card, sure hubby will love it. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

  4. Oh, that woman cracks me up! I bet you hubby will get a kick out of it. Too funny Laurie. ~jeni :)

  5. What a hoot! I really had a good laugh over this! I'm sure your hubby got a good laugh, too!


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