Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Enjoy your special day - TSOT#648

Hello everyone. It’s time for a new sketch challenge over at Try A Sketch On Tuesdays.



The clouds are cut from a piece of designer paper from Craft Consortium. I've had the cloud and sun dies for so long that I have no idea who makes them, but do believe they are from MFT.  I'm awful at keeping track of who makes what die.  The sentiment is from MFT.

Here is the sketch for you to use as inspiration.


Link up here> Try A Sketch On Tuesdays.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. OMG, Laurie, you had the perfect diecuts for this sketch! Love your card!
    -- Dalis

  2. Wow Laurie, very nice use of the sketch! Great dies for this sketch!

  3. I love the stitching that unites all these fabulous dies in your design. Such glorious clean layers! Beautiful.

  4. Laurie, Love the cut of the blue and the cloud, is that a glider? Super interpretation of the sketch... love your card.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!