Sunday, May 19, 2024

I heard you were dragon

Hello. Playing in The Paper PlayersThe Paper Players lots of laughs clean and simple challenge today.

The stamp and sentiment are from My Favorite Things. I colored him up using Copic markers. I found the sparkly rhinestones in my stash that matched the color markers I used, so add three for a little interest. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh, how cute is this! Perfect for our challenge, and he's colored so sweetly! Thanks for playing along with the Players this week!

  2. Oh, so cute!! What a fun cute card!!

  3. What fun - that dragon and punny sentiment is perfect Laurie and beautifully CAS to boot! Thanks for playing along over at The Paper Players this week!

  4. Laurie, I love your little dragon and that punny sentiment. Such a great pick me up card. Fabulously CAS, too. So glad you joined us at the Paper Players this week

  5. What a cute pun. I love the colour that you used for the really cute dragon. Thanks for playing along with The Paper Players.


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