Sunday, March 24, 2024

Masculine birthday card

Hello. Playing in The Paper Players sketch challenge today. I already had this bird from Whimsy stamps colored and sitting on my desk. I thought it would work great for the sketch below.

Linen cardstock is from Papertrey, Ink (I sure wish it would come back in stock) and the bird is colored with Copic markers.  The birthday sentiment is from Poppy Stamps, which is my go-to for masculine cards due to the font.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love how you used this sweet chickadee for the sketch--so clever! I love my birdies for sure! Thanks for playing with my PP sketch this week!

  2. What a fun way to use the sketch - it adds real interest to your pretty coloured bird. Thanks for sharing over at The Paper Players this week!

  3. This is a great way to use the sketch. Beautiful colouring too.
    Thanks for playing along with The Paper Players this week.


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