Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Happy Birthday TSOT #639

Hello everyone. It’s time for a new sketch challenge over at Try a Sketch On Tuesdays.



The flower panel has been in my stash for a while now and I cannot find the stamp to give credit to the maker. My apologies. I do know that I used Copic's to color it. The sentiment is from My Favorite Things. 

Here is the sketch for you to use as inspiration.


Link up here> Try a Sketch On Tuesdays.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. Beautifully colored image, Laurie, and great use of the sketch! - Melanie R.

  2. This is gorgeous with the continued floral panel for the three strips :)

  3. Just a stunning card, Laurie! Such gorgeous color that pops with all the white space. Love it!

  4. Your beautifully colored floral panels just pop off your white base. Just lovely Laurie!

  5. Beautiful coloring and like this sketch layour!

  6. It's so nice when you find something so beautiful in your stash and then create a card using this sketch. Love the tag and bow, perfect for this floral.

  7. Laurie, I love the idea of cutting the panel to follow the sketch! That is such a cool idea. I will try it soon!

    -- Dalis


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