Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy Birthday TSOT #638

Hello.  Welcome to the newly renamed Try a Sketch on Tuesday challenge. We are using the same acronym and we will be playing the first and third Tuesday of every month. Our sister challenge site is Double Trouble and we are partnering with them on this first challenge of the year.

Double Trouble is recognizing World Introvert Day using the TSOT Sketch #638.  The BACKGROUND of the sketch will be affected by this humorous occasion.  Whether you are introverted or extroverted, the requirement is to create a project to show us your personality through one of the two fun background choices.  

Introvert:   calm, soft, pastel
Extrovert:  bold, loud, bright 

As you can tell, I'm an Introvert!

The die is from Altenew and I used Simon says stamp pawsitively saturated inks to color the flower and leaves.  The birthday sentiment is from Jaded Blossom. I used a linen 3D embossing folder for the background, but I have no idea where it came from. I wish that companies would mark them with their logo so that they would get credit! 


  1. Your card is lovely, Laurie! Love how you used our sketch and the textured background is perfect for the pretty flowers. - Melanie R.

  2. This is so pretty and I love the colours. Great work for TSOT - thanks for also sharing with us at Double Trouble :)

  3. How delicate and pretty, Laurie. The pinks and greens are lovely together on the linen embossing.

  4. Such pretty shading and love the texture on the background. Thanks for joining with us at Double Trouble!

  5. Beautiful Laurie and that Big Beautiful Bloom is perfect as the focal on your card!

  6. Beautiful colors and layout Laurie! I like how you colored the flowers!

  7. In addition, Laurie, thank you for sharing your pretty card at Double Trouble #156. - Melanie R.


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