Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Happy 7th Birthday

Hello! Welcome to another challenge over at The Flower Challenge blog.  It's our 7th Birthday and our challenge this month is Anything Goes.

 Here is the card I created.


The Stamps and stencils are from Altenew. The sentiment is from Jaded Blossom.

Here is the cue card for this month’s challenge.

Link up here

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Such a beautiful card Laurie, loving all the pink too ;) hugs Viv xx

  2. Beautiful, bright flowers on your card Laurie! LOVE the off-the-edge design. Congrats on celebrating your 7th birthday at The Flower Challenge!

  3. Beautiful card Laurie and lovely to see you have joined the design team. All the best in the future xx Aileen

  4. Very pretty - love the embellishments.

  5. I love your beautiful pink flowers on this clean and simple card, Laurie.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!