Sunday, September 17, 2023

Fall birthday card

Hello. Using an old Memory Box stamp to create this fall birthday card today.

I used Tombow markers to color directly on the stamp, spritzed it with a shot of water, and stamped it on the cardstock. The birthday stamp is from Jaded Blossom. Cut the panel out with a stitched cover die from MFT stamps, then adhere it to a dark chocolate card base. 

Here are a few challenges that I'm adding this to:

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Gorgeous card, I had forgotten about this lovely technique, will be bringing out the markers!

  2. What a beautiful stamp and simply stunning birthday card! Love how this turned out! Thank you so much for joining us at Four Seasons challenge!

  3. Gorgeous card! Clean and simple and so beautiful!

  4. A fab autumnal birthday card, love the soft colours you've achieved with the faux watercolour effect stamping. Thanks for joining in at HLS Birthday. :)

  5. Pretty pretty - a simple fall sprig - now you have me wanting to do that technique again.

  6. Wow! Beautiful card. A really well designed birthday card. Thank you for joining our Happy Little Stampers Birthday challenge. I hope you will play with us again.
    BożenA DT HLS Birthday


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