Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Dog gone it

Hello everyone. It’s time for a new sketch challenge over at Try Stamping On Tuesdays.


The dog stamps are from My Favorite Things and are colored with Copic markers.  The bone die is from the former Paper Smooches company.

Here is the sketch for you to use as inspiration.


Link up here> Try Stamping On Tuesdays.

ETA: adding this into The Paper players theme challenge.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. So adorable and I like that bone!

  2. This is adorable! I do admit that the little chihuahua looks like my grand-dog Ginger, LOL! Such a fun layout too! Thanks for playing with our theme challenge this week at the Paper Players!

  3. Laurie your trio of four-legged friends is adorable and beautifully framed too! Thanks for playing along with my theme over at The Paper Players this week!

  4. Laurie, I just love your sweet trio of friends! This frame is the perfect layout for this card. So happy you joined us at The Paper Players this week!

  5. Love this layout and you did great with using puppies - love the four legged critters. The bone was the finishing touch.


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