Saturday, August 19, 2023


Hi everyone, it's time for a new challenge over at Less Is More.

This is one color I don't use a lot of unless it's for Halloween. The flower stamp is from Altenew and I used Melon, cantaloupe, aspen and sage pawsitively saturated ink from Simon Says Stamp on it.  The hello sentiment is from Honey Bee.

I decided to leave the slightly off-center stamping alone and just go with the flow on this one. 

Here is the cue card.


Please visit the Simply Less is More BLOG to see what wonderful creations the design team has come up with.


Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Laurie such a lovely card and I love the flower placement it's such a pretty flower.


  2. Such a pretty floral image!! I didn't know it was "off center" until I read it!! It looks perfect to me!

  3. Gorgeous card, with the hello the flowerit is where it should be!

  4. Just beautiful in its simplicity .


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