Monday, May 29, 2023

Mixed media card

Hello. Playing in the sketch challenge over at The Paper Players today.

I've had this snippet in my stash from a mixed-media play session that I finally put to use on this card.

I used the cling wrap watercolor smooch technique with the blue. Then added a layer of embossing paste through a stencil. A script background stamp and splatter is added to the mix to finish off the card panel. The dragonfly is a die that I cut out - added some Nuvo silver gilding flakes to it and stuck it on its shadow. The shadow was done by adding some blue perfect pearl to it. It sparkles in real life. 

I really like how this turned out.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a cool technique! Of course, I love anything blue so this popped out at me right away from the gallery! Very pretty dragonfly as well as the silver accents! Thanks for playing with my sketch this week at the Paper Players!

  2. Very nice - I'm off to look up the watercolor smooch technique as I really like how your card turned out. And blue is one of my favorite colors.

  3. Laurie, your card is gorgeous. I love all the materials and techniques youe used. Thanks for taking part in The Paper Players challenge this week. Suzy

  4. Just beautiful, Laurie! Love the detail from that cling wrap technique. Really adds so much depth of color. Thank you so much for joining us the week over at The Paper Players!


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