Thursday, November 24, 2022

'Tis the season

Hello and Welcome to another Fusion Card Challenge, where you can use the sketch or the photo or both. Here is what I did with it.

Sentiment is from Simon Says Stamp. I used a circle die for the snowman head, added two buttons for the eyes, and cut a carrot for his nose.  I dusted on some white pigment ink to mimic a chalkboard as a final touch to this card. 

Please check out the Design Team’s creations for this challenge, where there’s a lot of really awesome inspiration!

Fusion Card Challenge

Sadly, this will be the last Fusion Card Challenge. The number of folks actually playing has dwindled down quite a bit and it just makes sense to end on a high note. Thank to all those who continued to play each month. See you out in blogland and on Instagram.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It amazes me time and time again how you can CAS and it be amazing. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. So clever and fun! I'll miss seeing your Fusion creations!

  3. Fabuous take on the challenge Laurie. Did Frosty melt?

  4. Your darling snowman triggered my card that I made the first time in a dream last night! Thanks, Laurie, for the many times you've inspired my make!

  5. Delightful card! It's been great being on the Fusion team with you!

  6. This is so very creative Laurie, totally you! I loved being on Fusion team with you. See you in blogland and insta. Claire x


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