Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Big Birthday wishes

Hello everyone. It’s time for a new sketch challenge over at Try Stamping On Tuesdays.

Stamps are from Papertrey, Ink. Birthday embossing folder is from Taylored Expressions. Lattice embossing folder is from SU. The silver is metallic washi tape.

Here is the sketch for you to use as inspiration and the added theme is to use patterns.


Link up here> Try Stamping On Tuesdays.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. Laurie, what a great interpretation of our TSOT sketch! Love all the texture you've incorporated into your DT card! That little silver strip really makes the card pop!! I'm sure our followers will get some great ideas from your card!!! -Donna

  2. Love this, Laurie - perfect font, and a gorgeous range of blues - so cool and pretty on the white textures! Beautiful!

  3. Great design, I like the use of 2 embossed layers!

  4. What a great birthday card - you can pull CAS off with any card.


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