Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Ink blended snowflakes

Hi everyone. It's time for another challenge over at The House That Stamps Built. This month our challenge is Christmas and this week we our option is: To use one of your favorite techniques. I chose to do some ink blending and resist on this card.

I also used a cover die to cut this apart and put it back together again. The die is from Papetrey, Ink. Distress inks and blending brushed used for the background. I heat embossed the snowflakes so that they would resist the ink. 


There's a new challenge every week over at  The House That Stamps Built, and you don't have to use Repeat Impressions stamps to link up or win. Also, for my blog readers: Enjoy the 10% discount code to the Repeat Impressions Store posted on the sidebar.


One lucky person will win a $25 Repeat Impressions Gift Certificate on the first Wednesday of every month – Good luck!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.


Donna   Heather   Joy    Shirley   Patti


Thanks for stopping in!




  1. This is beautiful Laurie, beautiful blending and ink embossing and like how you cut it out,great inspiration!

  2. Such pretty ink blending on the snowflakes. Great job on this challenge.

  3. Beautiful! Love your colors and your blending!

  4. Beautifully done, Laurie! Your blending is perfect! Great design, my friend! Thanks for sharing!


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