Friday, August 27, 2021

Happy Anniversary

Hello. Playing in the CAS Colours & Sketches challenge today. It's a pretty fun sketch, and has a lot of possibilities. 

Anniversary sentiment is from Avery Elle and I used a stamping platform to stamp it multiple times like the sketch calls for. I had a heart that I cut out from one of the Pink and Main stitched heart dies and put it to use on this.  The shiny red cardstock, I believe, is from Tim Holtz Idea-ology. 

However, since it's an anniversary card and couples are like puzzle pieces that fit together, I added that to the heart. I cannot remember who makes my puzzle pieces cover plate die, but there are a lot of them out there to chose from. 

Used the stitched rectangle frame from MFT and popped it up onto a pure poppy red card base and called it done. Super clean and simple.

Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Fabulous anniversary card, I like the red shimmery puzzle piece heart! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. The puzzle heart is perfect for an anniversary card. And this card is perfect for our challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us at the CC&S this week!


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