Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Welcome little one

Hi everyone. It's time for another challenge over at The House That Stamps Built. This week our challenge is the ever popular Anything Goes.

I added the music back ground stamp onto the yellow cardstock using versamark and clear embossing powder.  Lamp is colored with Copic markers and cut out using my Brother Scan N Cut. He is popped up onto the tag using foam tape and the tag is also popped up . 


There's a new challenge every week over at  The House That Stamps Built, and you don't have to use Repeat Impressions stamps to link up or win. Also, for my blog readers: Enjoy the 10% discount code to the Repeat Impressions Store posted on the sidebar.


One lucky person will win a $25 Repeat Impressions Gift Certificate on the first Wednesday of every month – Good luck!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.


Donna   Heather   Joy   Shirley   Patti


ETA: entering this into the Simon Says Stamp animal antic's challenge.

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. This is adorable, like how you added the Versa Mark music on your background!

  2. Love tags and really like your creative way of using one. Sweet sweet image and you used the perfect color!

  3. Such a cute little lamb - and perfect for a baby card. Love the light yellow colors you used.

  4. Awww . . . how sweet!! This little lamb is super cute and perfect for a baby card!

  5. Yikes! How did I miss commenting on this adorable card? As always, you have rocked this challenge, dear friend!!! Beautifully done!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!