Saturday, May 2, 2020

Spray resist cards

Hello. Here are two distress resist spray cards that I created after watch the live Facebook Demo that Tim Holtz did today.

I have to say that this was a very fun technique to try and replicate. However, I used very inexpensive glossy cardstock (had it in my stash for at least 15 years) and I put micro glaze on it after spraying the distress resist spray/stencil layer. Then I went back with some distress ink and darkened it up some more. It actually worked even through the micro glaze. Weird.

Distress Oxide inks were used first - spritzed with water and dipped (you get what you get) then heat dried in between layers.

For the first card:
spun sugar oxide
picked raspberry oxide
worn lipstick oxide
Candied apple distress ink over the top

Second card:
Shaded lilac oxide
blueprint sketch oxide
dusty concord oxide
wilted violet oxide
Blueprint sketch distress ink over the top

Sentiment stamps are from Poppy stamps.

Which one do you like the best?
Thanks for stopping by!

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Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!