Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Happy Birthday bouquet

Hi everyone. It's time for another challenge over at The House That Stamps Built. This week our challenge is the use the following graphic.

I used a bunch of flower and leaf die cuts to create this. Smooched some distress oxide inks to color the cardstock and then sponged on some more to highlight. Decided to go with mostly purples and greens as the photo color picture calls for.  Used a paper doily in the back for added interest and tucked the birthday sentiment in. 

There's a new challenge every week over at  The House That Stamps Built, and you don't have to use Repeat Impressions stamps to link up or win. Also, for my blog readers: Enjoy the 10% discount code to the Repeat Impressions Store posted on the sidebar.

One lucky person will win a $25 Repeat Impressions Gift Certificate on the first Wednesday of every month – Good luck!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.


Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Such a pretty bouquet of spring flowers. And then the pretty little doily you tucked behind - great addition. Great job on the photo inspiration.

  2. I love your pretty purple flower collage, and the doily in the background adds a bit of elegance! Beautiful card!

  3. Fabulous card Laurie, like your take with the purple and green and the black button centers and doily are great touches!

  4. Laurie, this is beautiful! I don’t know about you, but I am SO looking forward to blooms in the yard! Love your pretty flowers - your card is pure delight!

  5. This is so pretty! I love how you created a bouquet inspired by the photo; it's perfect!


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