Monday, December 2, 2019

Project of the week - creating backgrounds

Hello. It's my turn to create a project of the week. I created my own pearlized background using the following stamp and supplies.

I used the snowflake positive stamp and stamped it randomly in versamark onto a piece of navy cardstock. To fill in the gaps, I used the versamark pen to add dots. The embossing powder I used was a blue pearl from Hero Arts. I really like how well it turned out on the navy. So pretty. 

The sentiment is stamped onto a piece of white cardstock, then cut out with a long rectangle die. Then I used the snowflake punch and punched it in several areas. I used a piece of silver glitter cardstock to punch out three more snowflakes. That way I could layer them back in and add one more to balance it out. All are popped up using foam tape.

and here is the final design. So much fun and so pretty in real life.

Stamps used:
6004-M, Snow Positive
6116-M, Master Builder

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pretty shimmery background that you created. And looks like something I could achieve as well. Great job on your POTW.


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