Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Best witches

Hello. Playing in the Freshly Made Sketch this week.

Witch is from My Favorite Things. Stamped in versafine ink, heat embossed with clear embossing powder, then colored with Copic's. The spider and the sentiment are from Studio G. It's one of those $1 stamp sets that used to be so popular at Michael's. The bats are from a spool of ribbon, I just cut two off and attached with glue dots. The webbing is also ribbon.

I cut a circle out of copy paper and used it as a stencil to create the moon using distress oxide inks in scattered straw and spiced marmalade.

I think this turned out rather cute. Thanks for stopping by.

Also including this into the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge of stamp it.


  1. Oh this is a fantastic take on the sketch, Laurie! Love that little witch! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  2. This is the cutest card - I love the webbing as a background against the moon! Be sure to check out the Winner's post! Thank you for playing with us at Freshly Made Sketches!


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