Thursday, August 29, 2019

I'm thinking of you today

Hello! Playing in the Freshly Made Sketch challenge #400 today.

The big maple leaf stamp is from Papetrey, Ink. I used Hero Arts inks (mini's) to get the variation of colors on it. Sentiment is from Simon Says Stamp. I created the background with a stencil from Echo Park and distress oxide inks. Chocolate card stock from My Favorite Things used to layer everything.
Also adding this into the Anything Goes Wednesday challenge over at Simon Says Stamp.

Thanks for stopping in!



  1. This is gorgeous Laurie! We got a Taste of fall weather this week in Missouri, it was wonderful!

  2. Nice details on thr leaf veins and overall leaf colors. Superb!

  3. I love the beautiful fall colors!! LOVE the variations in color on each leaf. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  4. Beautiful! That is one of my favorite leaf sets! Your colors are perfect! Thank you for celebrating with us this month at Freshly Made Sketches!


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