Monday, June 24, 2019

Giant Peony

Hi everyone. Playing in the sketch challenge over at The Paper Players today.

Stamp is from IndigoBlu. Colored with Copic's. Sentiment is from Avery Elle. 

White card panel is popped up with fun foam and I also used it on the sentiment strip for added dimension.

Thanks for stopping in and have a great week! 


  1. What a beautifully coloured pink peonie Laurie - using it for the vertical panel really draws the eye and highlights the petal detail. Thanks for sharing with us this week over at The Paper Players!

  2. Wow on the coloring..really pops against the white and black. Sweet card! Thanks for playing along with the sketch challenge this week over at The Paper Players!

  3. WOWZA, this is a stunner! That big beautiful bloom is perfect for that panel, and it's colored wonderfully! Love the rich, deep colors! Thanks for sharing this with us this week at the Players!


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