Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Designer's Choice Challenge - Spring

Hello. It's time for another challenge over at The House That Stamps Built. This week it is Joy's choice and she has chosen Spring or Easter. Here is what I did.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am so ready for Spring!

For this card, I stamped the daisy's in pigment Fresh Ink called Sugar, then highlighted the centers using a Copic Marker. Did the same with the leaves. Added some black dots for interest using a very fine tip zig black marker. Polka dot pink DP is from Bazzill.

There's a new challenge every week over at  The House That Stamps Built, and you don't have to use Repeat Impressions stamps to link up or win. Also, for my blog readers: Enjoy the 10% discount code to the Repeat Impressions Store posted on the sidebar.

One lucky person will win a $25 Repeat Impressions Gift Certificate on the first Wednesday of every month – Good luck!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.


  1. I love the soft pinks you used on this pretty spring card! The extra dots are the prefect finishing touch!

  2. So soft and springing, this is hard to achieve, like the added dots!

  3. Now, this is what elegant CAS looks like! I love your soft spring colors and the placement of your flowers. What a great design on this card, Laurie!

  4. So pretty - love the pink - so soft and the dots added just the right amount of interest. Spring - what is spring? We have snow forecast again for the next two days and we live in southern MO. Jack Frost and Mother Nature must have a battle going on.

  5. This is so pretty!!! Love the black accents; it gives great contrast to the soft pink!


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