Friday, January 18, 2019


Hey there - Decided to try my hand coloring up some crocus using colored pencils on kraft cardstock.

I used polychromos this time around. Crocus stamp is from Technique Tuesday Greenhouse Society. I stamped it in versamark then heat embossed in detail white.

Sentiment is from Simon Says Stamp. The stitched frame dies are from MFT.

Entering this into the Inkspirational designers choice challenge.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Your card is gorgeous. That is such a great technique.

  2. This is really beautiful Laurie. Your colouring is superb and works so well with the white embossing. I really like how you arranged the frames-a really original idea-love it. Thanks for joining Ink x

  3. Pretty pretty - I need to do the coloring on Kraft that everyone is doing, your flower is absolutely gorgeous.

  4. How lovely! I like those soft flowers and the way that you used the frames. Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational!
    - Shauna


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