Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thinking of you

It’s time for another challenge over at The House That Stamps Built. This week we were challenged to follow the sketch below.

I designed this sketch and I have to tell you, I struggled with it. Too funny, Huh? I couldn't get anything to work with the mum's for some reason. Tried a lot of different stencils, designer papers, and finally just went with the debossed dots. Which now look like a golf ball to me, LOL. 


So, what are you waiting for?!

Why not play along with us and start stamping up a card now. We can’t wait to see your creations!
Don’t forget… Take part in any of our challenges, the more you play along, the more chances you have to win! Each submission enters you in the drawing for our gift certificate. And you don’t always have to use our stamps in your creations, but we will reward you if you do. Each submission using a Repeat Impressions stamp will earn you an additional entry in the drawing!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this stamp and love how you have used it in the background. Great card!

  2. Great card. I love the way you used the flower stamp as a background.

  3. Such a striking card, I like the reverse embossing!

  4. I love the clean-and-simple design of your card Laurie! The embossed panel is perfect with your mums - so pretty!

  5. Very pretty - and the little bow just makes the card. Great use of this stamp. Good luck with your move.

  6. Awesome sketch, Laurie (you know how I love them!)!! And your card is so pretty! All the white really lets the mums pop and I totally did not think of golf balls until you mentioned it. But now, I definitely see it. Still think the card is beautiful anyway.

  7. Great sketch, Laurie and I don't think your bg looks like golf balls at all. I too had a difficult time deciding on a piece for my panel and did much the same as you before deciding...and then, I wasn't sure. LOL.

  8. LOL Laurie, I also don’t think the embossed layer looks like a golf ball, though you could MAKE it look like that if you paired it up with some green grass and a tee. Maybe your mind is on golfing. Its really a great card and honestly, your sketch is one I’ve put in my “Go To” box. Its clean and simple and one that can use up plenty of scraps too. Your card turned out lovely.


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