Monday, October 15, 2018

Pick of the week - Recycling

Hello. It's my turn over at The House That Stamps Built to create a project for our Monday challenge called Pick of the Week. I'm creating a card out of recycled materials today.

I received this gift bag with goodies in it at our company meeting last week. I liked how fancy the gold swirls were on it and kept it to use again.

So I cut it apart and even used the handle to make this card.

I had to add a bit of gold to enhance everything. Snowflakes and sentiment are heat embossed using gold embossing powder.  I added the gold cording onto the raffia bow so that it would stand out just a tad bit more. Gold mirror cardstock used as the base of the card and to layer the sentiment panel.

Stamps used are:
1141-F, Christmas
8805-K, Snowflakes

Have a great day!

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