Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sketch challenge #273

Hello, here is sketch #273 over at CAS Colours & Sketches.

Sweet pea stamp is a stamp from the former There She Goes stamps. Colored with Copic's. Designer paper is from paper pack; Hello Beautiful from Marta Piekarczyk. Sentiment is from Hero Arts.

I didn't realize that I made two get well cards for this month. However, I will tell you that my boss was in Minnesota for meetings and ended up having to go to the Hospital in an ambulance, while she was there. She lives in California, so you can imagine what she was going through. She was on my mind while I was making cards for the challenges.

Thank you to the DT members over at CAS Colours & Sketches for having me as a guest designer for the month of May.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. So soft & pretty. Beautiful use of the sketch and I am really enjoying your GD cards for CC&S. Hugs Bev x

  2. What a beautiful get well card, Laurie! And wonderful use of the sketch, too. Love the shadow behind the two panels! Thank you so much for guest designing at CAS Colours & Sketches!

  3. Love your take on the sketch, Laurie. Your soft pink colors give a gentle feel to your card!
    Hugs, Cathy

  4. Such a sweet card, Laurie! Love the pale pink/black color combo. Thank you for being our guest designer this month!

  5. Laurie , it was a joy to have you join us this month. Lovely card to finish your guest spot with.

  6. Laurie, this card is fabulous! The soft pinks are perfect for the pretty sweet pea blossoms. You've been a terrific guest designer for us at CC&S. I hope you'll continue to join in our future challenges! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!