Monday, May 28, 2018

Official memo

Hello and happy Monday. Saw the sketch challenge over at The Paper Players and decided to play along since I needed a few birthday cards this week.

This one is going out a to co-worker. Stamps are from My Favorite Things. The designer grid paper is from Papertrey, Ink. Colored with Copic's. Kept this very clean and simple since it's obviously going to a guy.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping in.


  1. I do love the crispness of your design. The blue trim on the panels really makes them pop. Love the humour of the geeky stamps too. Lovely work, Laurie. Thanks for joining us at The Paper Players.

  2. Awesome guy card...I love the "nerdy" feel to it (no offense to any nerds out there, LOL!!)! Perfect CAS with fun elements! Thanks for using my sketch this week!

  3. This is awesome! What a fun a card for a coworker.Thanks for joining us at The Paper Players!


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